Tarrant County's Elder Financial Fraud Unit

Financial exploitation of the elderly is a serious problem, with one in twenty older adults victimized each year according to the Department of Justice. 

In May of 2017, the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney created a new special prosecution team -- the Elder Financial Fraud Unit -- to serve as a community resource addressing the special needs of elderly victims through a program of aggressive prosecution, education and deterrence. The unit consists of two experienced prosecutors, two investigators and one support staff member, all of whom are focused exclusively on financial crimes against the elderly. By the end of 2017, 79 cases were filed. The unit also partnered with Guardianship Services to create the the Financial Exploitation Prevention Center of Tarrant County, whose mission it is to connect Tarrant seniors with the vast network of resources available to them.

If you, or anyone you know, has been a victim of elder financial fraud, there are resources available in Tarrant County to help. 


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