Resolving Elder Care Issues Through Mediation

The inevitable course of the aging process often raises a host of emotionally charged issues. These issues have the potential to trigger divisive family disputes no matter how well-intentioned family members may be. 

The list of potential issues is a long one — whether to live alone and independently; when and where to move; financial management; and, of course, medical treatment decisions, including end-of-life care issues. The list goes on. Often decisions must be made under stressful, time-pressured conditions, and families can easily be torn apart when disagreements arise. 

Mediation can be an effective means of resolving age-related issues without causing undue strain within the family. A mediator is an objective third-party professional trained to facilitate the peaceful resolution of difficult and sensitive issues. Mediation sessions are private, confidential and completely voluntary. Everyone gets a chance to express their interests and concerns in a calm setting. 

The mediator doesn’t make decisions or take any actions. Rather, the mediator facilitates the decision-making of others by providing  them a forum in which they can communicate, stay focused on the issues, and work out the best possible solutions for their loved ones, with a minimum of emotional conflict. 

Jeff Lerner, certified Texas mediator 


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